Searching for Criminal Activity Data My initial search begins with querying for “Washington DC” and “Crime Data”. This is very broad but it lets me see what is available. I can always get more specific. My results yielded a couple pages of interest. Check out the sites that seem interesting or could provide the…
Category: R
Criminal Analysis: Planning
UPDATE (12/6/20): I have removed the original content in this post concerning the Data Search work for the crime data. You can now find that portion of the original post here. In this series, I will be exploring the criminal activity in Washington DC over the past decade. I have explored the data in previous…
Spatial Visualizations in R Part 2
Now we will be working with and visualizing COVID-19 data on top of our current spatial plots. To see catch up, check out these associated shapefile and GeoJSON posts. The output used used in this post comes from the GeoJSON post since it is in the desired coordinate system. The R script was simplified from…
Working with GeoJSON in R
This post is a supplemental tutorial to my initial post on Spatial Visualizations in R (Part 1) to work through processing a GeoJSON file in R from the for this particular example. You can work with the same GeoJSON file at the following link: You can explore and tailor the API under the…
Spatial Visualizations in R Part 1
*** Updated Code on GitHub *** In this post I will be covering spatial visualizations using data from the state of Wyoming. For structure sake, I will be walking through each of the step outlined in my Analytic Methodology workflow. We will identify the sources of data, the processes to analyze and visualize the…
Project Workflow: Data Analysis
***This was created and valid in 2016. Data for this specific data project may no longer be current*** Data analysis is our investigation of the questions we set out to answer for our project during the planning stage. At this point we should have a good understanding of what are data contains, and various value…
Project Workflow: Data Exploration
***This was created and valid in 2016. Data for this specific data project may no longer be current*** In this section, we will take a look at pivot tables in R. This can help us quickly summarize the data and get a rough distribution of the values. We will also explore some initial visualizations to…
Project Workflow: Data Transformation
***This was created and valid in 2016. Data for this specific data project may no longer be current*** Data Transformation The transformation stage is where you develop, add or enhance the data you have to suit your follow-on analysis and visualization requirements. You may revisit the transformation stage many times throughout a project because you…
Project Workflow: Data Preparation
***This was created and valid in 2016. Data for this specific data project may no longer be current*** Surveying the Data Data Preparation is a valuable stage that steps up the rest of the stages in our project. It allows you to survey the data and figure out what needs to be done. Its your…
Project Workflow: Data Storage
***This was created and valid in 2016. Links for this specific data project may no longer be current*** Where do you store all the data? It is quite possible that you have to download a series of files in order to have a full set or may you have a lot a data sources that…