Coming up with solutions to problems is an everyday thing for most of us. The type of problem and difficulty of it can vary across a wide spectrum. How we go about solving our problems can also vary differently. As a result of our experiences, knowledge and willingness to learn when you don’t know.
In my professional life, I have jumped from problem to problem on a daily basis. Some are data related, some are programmatic, and some are non-data problems. Problems I’ve been tasked to solve are rarely the exact same. Problems come in all sorts of shapes and size. Some problems can be resolved with simple solutions or quick fixes, while others are not. They may consume a few solid full-time work weeks or even long-term advisement on projects.
Diversity and Continuous Improvement
Accepting different problems is what I love doing. It keeps me on my feet and requires me to exercise my brain power. If a similar problem comes up, the solution is faster to come up with. I look for ways to optimize what I’ve done before and improve upon anything I’ve learned on other projects. This solution of course is dependent on constraints, such as time and resource, which is something we all face. This has been quite routine with coding projects. I can look back at solutions I’ve developed previously and find something that could have be done better.
Breaking Problems Down
Over the years of having to solve problems, I have noticed that the majority of problems are not too difficult. All problems range in context, complexity, and constraints. Problems may difficult at the time for whatever reason. When those problems are broken down into manageable pieces, things seem to come together. The difficultly of the pieces becomes simpler. Thinking about what the problems are is very important. At times problems are not clearly defined or understood, which lead to issues. Such is life and its unique complexities.